viernes, 29 de junio de 2007


I was thinking what the best way to start posting stuff would be.... with what to begin.... and then it came to me... it was obvious.... I had to start at the beginning.. with the first thing that took me to 'that' that now can only be called an addiction to blogging.. and that thing was the kamibashi dolls.

This cute things are about 8 cm high... are made out of string and come in a wide variety of characters. Each come with their description and qualities. You can check them out at

jueves, 28 de junio de 2007

the beginning

hi! wellcome to my new blog. 

i'll be trying to put here all the cool, fun, interesting stuff that i find everyday in the web or other blogs.  i hope you'll find something useful out of this, as i have on some of the great blogs i've been checking out lately.

so, i'll see ya!